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The Support You Need to Succeed

We know that you need more than just tax software to be successful.

You need a team that stands behind you, that you can count on when you need them. That’s where the uTax Support Team comes in.

With an average of 12 years experience per Team member, our bilingual reps are dedicated to resolving issues fast, so that you can get back to serving your clients. And it doesn’t stop there.

From the minute you choose to become a uTax partner, we start to work. We install your software, convert your data, help with bank enrollment, and get your staff trained so that you’re ready to get down to business when the IRS starts accepting returns.

What People are Saying
When it comes to uTax software support, I must say they have an A-1 team. I love the fact that they don’t have long wait times! I want to shine light on Becky Burns especially. She and Mr. Burns have genuinely been my tax support angels. Now when I need uTax, I just say. “Hey Google call Becky.” They are amazing. They care about the people and know what they are doing. Thank you uTax, you employ great people. My Sales Rep Loretta is an indication of this as well.

Shannon S.

In my opinion, uTax has the best support team in the tax software industry. They care, they prepare, and they’re experienced. Great service and great teamwork!

Andy F.

I have been doing taxes for 24 years and I have used different programs for tax preparation purposes and uTax is the best one I have used. It’s not just the “easy-to-use” part that I like, but the customer service is excellent. They are very quick to fix any issue, or answer any question promptly.

Mayo T.

Support and Training
We’re committed to providing you the quickest response and best experience possible.
Our goal is to provide you with our one-call resolution model so that your business runs efficiently throughout the entire tax season. uTax Software technicians are committed to going the extra mile to address all your questions and concerns.


Our Onboarding Team goes above and beyond to make sure you’re ready for the tax season. We’re dedicated to making the transition as smooth as possible. After all, a great software is no good unless it’s set up properly and you know how to use it.

  • Install and Configure Current and Prior Year Software
  • Convert Prior Year Software Data
  • Office Setup (Printers, Billing Schedule, Security and more)
  • Bank Enrollment

Partner Support

Your Success is Our Success. That’s why we put so much effort into training our support reps to make sure they’re the best they can be. Our highly trained technicians are dedicated to our one-call resolution model, helping you to get back to your clients quickly.

  • Bilingual Technicians
  • Year-Round Tax Analysts
  • Advanced Technical Support
  • Screen Share Technology
  • Resource Center


Making sure you know how to use the uTax Software effectively is our primary goal. With our multitude of “Live” webinar trainings covering topics such as Software Features and Tax Law, to our Video Library where you can learn about the Document Manager, Remote Signature and more, the uTax Resource Center ensures you and your staff have the training you need.

  • Quick Start Guide/Software Tutorials
  • 1040 Walk-Through
  • Tax Law and Industry Updates
  • Setup & Configuration

Software Overview

Remote Signature

Check Return Status

Printing Checks

See why more tax professionals every year are switching to uTax.

Call an Account Manager today and experience the difference for yourself.